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About Project

I have conducted this study across 2 key points across Mumbai in a study that ranged 8 weeks the following points are shown on the map, two additional points have been mentioned as a part of my preliminary research. The two sites lie on opposite sides of the city as shown in the map on the following page. Buddha Colony lies in the eastern suburbs of Kurla near BKC an industrial hub of the city that is widely recognized as a business hub, whereas Bandra lies on the opposite Western coastline area which is primarily residential. This study primarily presents primary research based on data collected onsite and then analyzed to create graphs and compared them to medical thresholds to give a glimpse of the magnitude of impact this can have on our daily lives. I visited each site throughout the period of the investigation to collect data, however, data collection wasn’t the easiest process. The first couple of weeks were spent analyzing the work patterns of the workers for the excavation process, and after a lot of asking and trying to visit the sites at different times, at times even 2 am I finally figured a rough idea of the work pattern. One thing was made clear, the work patterns were erratic because as soon as there would be some problem the work would get delayed and this gave me the idea to keep in touch with people who worked around certain excavation spots, to ask them to tell me when they conducted the excavation even though reaching in time from Andheri to Bandra would take time and reaching in time could hinder the data collection process in certain cases.

Project Echoes

Recorded Research

15th May

I begun my research on the 15th of May, initially i was largely unaware of the work schedule or anything regarding the excavation work.So to get a good idea i decided to go around the area from Nanavati Hospital to Khar at around 9pm to 10pm.When i was unable to find any work or workers who i could speak to

17th May

This time i went at 12am to the same locations yet i couldn’t find any sign of work which had begun or workers near the spots. I resorted to speaking to a local workers.From speaking to a few workers, i was told that a major part of the work occurs at late night around 12:00 am to 5 am primarily because of the lack of traffic and the ease of barricading roads.

20th May

Yet again at 1:30 am the work seemed to have barely begun.I noticed a few workers were still beginning their work while others seemed to be resting.Additionally, the work that was being conducted was of lifting heavy metal rods and transporting them, essentially work that doesn't require much noise.

22nd May

Still uncertain, i went back at 2:30 am this time slightly later at 2:30 am and the work spotted was of low noise and only movement of large rods and equipment.